
Making friends with Marvelous Designer

Black friday can be a dangerous time for us artists. Combine that with a credit card, and software can happen (!) Been thinking about it for quite a while now, when I saw Marvelous Designer heavily discounted, I decided it was time to pony up the cash and get this gem. After about a week of training, I’m starting to really understand a bit deeper how the clothes processing works. I absolutely adore this software. As a kid, I was never really into playing with dolls, but now I’m starting to understand, what the fuss was about!

The dress here is a simple practise piece made  with a tutorial found from the youtube channel of Clo software. I’m not all that familiar with tailoring and crafting patterns by default, so I thought it might be a good approach to first work through some basic types of clothing, before going for more original content. I’ve got few more of these random items stacked up, just have to get around to rendering some of them.

Medieval dress: practise